From the Pastor:
Church, the first word that comes to my mind is “Wow!” Allie, Cash, and I are so ‘wowed’ by you guys! After a diligent search by the Pastor Search Committee, you just voted unanimously to welcome me as your new pastor. Again: Wow! Your reception of us has been both loving and enthusiastic.
I hope over these first few months, we get opportunity to personally see, chat with, or hang out with every one of you. I hope my sermons bless, challenge, and spur you on in the faith. And I hope we start working together as a church to reach out and do more. Southside is a great church body—but how will others know unless you tell them, invite them, bring them to see what the Lord has in store for them, too? I want to challenge every one of us to get our loved ones (family, friends, acquaintances) in church with us.
Here's a look at what’s coming: On Sunday mornings, Allie and I want to visit your Sunday school classes to get to know y’all more and be in Bible study together. Behind the scenes, we’re starting to get our Welcome Team to the next level so we can be the most inviting church in the community from the moment you or a new person walks into the doors. In worship, we will be in a sermon series called “The 7 Churches of Revelation” (covering Rev. 1-3) where Jesus has stirring messages to the Church today. You won’t want to miss it.
On Wednesday nights, I have a slew of ideas for interesting studies, but I’m also taking topic suggestions from y’all for your areas of interest. I want these times to be deep, enjoyable, conversational, and equipping. We’re going to learn the Bible more together and ways to pray.
In my first week, I already feel so honored to work with Rachal (she’s amazing!), Kent, and Cody, along with so many of you who are deeply involved. We love and appreciate y’all!
Your brother,